Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stewart's Caring Place

Stewart's Caring Place in Akron is a wonderful resource for anyone whose life has been touched by cancer. Patients, caregivers, and survivors can all find something of interest and lots of support available here.
ALL programs and services are provided FREE OF CHARGE, and include things like:
  • support groups and counseling
  • healing therapies (massage, yoga, reiki, etc.)
  • lectures and workshops
  • disability/nutrition/estate planning and other consults
  • spa nights and free wigs, hats & turbans
  • childrens' programs and camps, child life specialist consultations
  • resource library and information
and much more.

Here is information on an upcoming workshop on Spirituality and Cancer:

Thursday, July 1, 2010
9:00am - 10:30am

A group for those on the cancer journey who are interested in exploring and talking about spirituality. This interfaith group is co-facilitated by Eileen Schonfeld, RN, and Lin Barnett. Light breakfast will be served.

Please register for this program or find out more about Stewart's Caring Place by calling 330-836-1772, or see their website.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Help is Available for Summer Cooling Bills

The Summit County HEAP Program is now taking applications for assistance with summer energy bills for qualifying residents.  "Through the Summer Crisis Program (SCP), assistance is made to eligible households with an electric utility payment [up to $175]. The Summer Crisis Program is available from June through August."  Please call the appointment line at 1-866-504-7400 for more information. 

Source:  Akron Summit Community Action & Infoline

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dental Access Now! Seeks Your Help in Advocating for Dental Care Access for All

 "Dental health is Ohio's top unmet health need, with access to affordable care beyond the reach of too many Ohio residents. Ohio has 56 federally designated dental health professional shortage areas, mostly due to inadequate numbers of dentists who serve rural and low-income patients.

The Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks (OASHF) has joined Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN) of Ohio and other organizations throughout the state to form Dental Access Now!, a state-wide response to the dental crisis facing Ohio.

The dental care shortage impacts the most vulnerable the hardest:

Children and families of color
-Twenty five percent of Ohio third graders have untreated cavities;
-Only 50% of Black and Hispanic residents have had a dental visit in the past year, compared to more than 60% of non-Hispanic white Ohio residents.

In Appalachian counties and rural Ohio

-Just over half of Appalachian residents and only sixty percent of rural Ohioans had a dental visit in the past year.

Persons with disabilities

-Dental care is one of the most needed services for people with disabilities, because of difficulties in finding providers who can meet their needs and funding limitations in Medicaid.

The undereducated poor

-Eighty percent of Ohio adults with a college degree had a dental visit in the past year. In the same timeframe, only twenty-five percent of those with no high school diploma visited a dentist.

OASHF needs your help! We are calling for individual or family stories of people who are suffering or have suffered with a dental issue."  Click on this link to download a story bank form and submit your story.  

Source:  Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks (OASHF)

New Workshop: Writing a Spiritual Autobiography

The Center for Healthy Aging in Kent, Ohio is offering this upcoming writing workshop:

Writing a spiritual autobiography: Paving a path for spiritual growth and psychological well-being
"If you wish to gain insight into your spirituality from your past and your present as well as enhance your psychological well-being, this 3 session writing program is for you. Limited to 12 participants; no previous writing experience is needed. Individuals from all faith traditions are welcome."
When: Fridays, July 9th, 16th, and 23rd from 10:30 to 1:00 pm
Cost:  $75 before 6/20; $100 after 6/20.
Click this link for more information:  Center for Healthy Aging

Monday, June 7, 2010

Budgeting and Surviving Debt Workshop

Budgeting and Surviving Debt
Worried about your personal or household budget? Don’t have a budget? Get some practical tips on budgeting basics and ways to save when money is tight.
Main Branch Library
Akron-Summit County Public Library
60 South High Street, Meeting Room 1
The event is open to the public and is FREE.

Date:  Thursday June 17, 2010 @ 6pm
For more information, contact Christine Gilley at (330) 643-2879.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summit County Office of Consumer Affairs

This is a very helpful website overall, and I want to draw attention to this particular page, where there are informative handouts available for printing regarding scams including those targeted towards older adults. To review prior Consumer News or Consumer Alerts, please visit:

Additional consumer-oriented fact sheets are available here:

This office provides speakers for groups and meetings as well.

For more information or to be added to an email list for future consumer alerts, contact the office at:

175 South Main Street, Suite 209
Akron, OH 44308
(330) 643-2879
Email: consumeraffairs@summitoh.net