Community Resource Connections seeks to offer information and resources to individuals, families, civic organizations, service groups, faith communities, and others who live and work in Hudson, Ohio and neighboring communities.
At some point, most of us find that an area of our life isn’t going the way we expected or wanted it to. Perhaps you or a loved one are experiencing an illness, a job loss, caregiver stress, or some other difficulty. When you or someone you care about is facing a new challenge, figuring out where to begin looking for assistance and information can be daunting. The Helpful Links area of the site can be used a tool to assist you in researching possible programs, services, and sources of information about your particular concern or area of need.
At some point, most of us find that an area of our life isn’t going the way we expected or wanted it to. Perhaps you or a loved one are experiencing an illness, a job loss, caregiver stress, or some other difficulty. When you or someone you care about is facing a new challenge, figuring out where to begin looking for assistance and information can be daunting. The Helpful Links area of the site can be used a tool to assist you in researching possible programs, services, and sources of information about your particular concern or area of need.
At other times in our lives, we experience the ability and desire to offer our assistance to others and to give something back to our community. The Helpful Links area also contains information and ideas on how to offer assistance to others through volunteer service or donations. Here you will also find potential resources and presenters for your community group or service project.
The blog portion of the site offers notices regarding upcoming events that might be of interest to community members who are facing challenges and to faith leaders, service groups, and local professionals who are working to improve the quality of life for struggling and under-served members of our communities. To subscribe to the blog, enter your email or news reader preference into the boxes on the right side of the home page. Emails will be delivered to your inbox whenever there is a new post, with the title of the post as the title of the email.
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