I am very happy to see the unemployment rate for the Akron area gradually decreasing. However, with approximately 9% of the Summit County workforce experiencing joblessness, competition for open positions is still keen. There are several excellent resources available to job seekers in this area.
Hudson Job Search is “a volunteer organization offering free outplacement training to those of the community of Hudson, Ohio.” This group offers a wealth of information, including individual coaching for eligible individuals and free meetings which are open to the public on the first and third Mondays of the month from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. at Christ Church Episcopal (21Aurora Street, Hudson). Each meeting focuses on a different aspect of the job search process and features a guest speaker. Visit Hudson Job Search on the web or call 330-653-5322.
The Job Center of Summit County is a facility where more than 20 workforce service providers are housed under the same roof. The Center offers free tools and services to assist job seekers, including: job postings and referrals, career counseling, resume help, workshops and classes, skill and aptitude testing, a self help area with computers and internet access, printers, copiers, and fax machines, books, videos and other resources, a youth resource room, GED classes, and more. In addition, child care services are available free of charge to all Summit County residents while they are visiting The Job Center. The Center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 – 4:30 with extended evening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Are you a job seeker aged 14-21? The Job Center also offers the NEXT STEP program for young adults. Here you can find information about current job openings, college, and educational programs. You can also meet with a Next Step Career Specialist, who can help you with creating an Individualized Employment Plan.
For more information, contact The Job Center, 1040 East Tallmadge Avenue, Akron, OH 44310, 330-633-1050.
Need help with dressing for success? The Akron Urban League’s Career Clothing Bank provides office appropriate clothing and accessories for job interviews and new or current careers free of charge. Career Clothing Bank hours are Tuesdays 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. For more information, call 330-434-3101. The Center also gratefully accepts donations of gently used business attire. In addition, the League offers other classes and services for job seekers. For more information, consider attending an open house/informational session held the first and third Fridays of each month at 1:30 at the Akron Urban League, 440 Vernon Odom Blvd., Akron OH 44307.
The Hudson Library and Historical Society is currently hosting a series of programs for job seekers, and a new networking program meets every Saturday from 10 am – noon in the Brewster CafĂ©. Call 330-653-6658 ext. 1010 for details. The library also offers computers with internet access to patrons which can be helpful for research, and a website with numerous links which are helpful to those seeking employment.
If you are doing internet research, don’t miss Ohio Means Jobs, Ohio Here To Help, and Akron Summit County Public Library’s “Joblog”, which includes information on current job fairs, avoiding employment scams, and filing for unemployment benefits. Summit County's Resource Guide for Job Seekers provides a map and listing of local agencies and the types of job seekers they serve. And, Ohio's Back on Track Checklist provides a step-by-step list of things to do and places to contact in order to stabilize your situation and jump start your job search.
Need information on filing for unemployment benefits in Ohio? Click here. For more information from the U.S. Department of Labor on work changes, health care, and insurance, including information on HIPPA and COBRA, click here.
Finally, don't fall prey to job opportunity scams during your employment search. Click here for information from the Ohio Attorney General on avoiding employment scams.
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